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Mrs. Geneva B. November 2023

Mrs. Geneva B. (aka Teeney or Tena) was only called Geneva at school growing up but her family members
called her Teeney. Later a dear friend decided to simplify her name to Tena.

She came to live in our facility in September of 2023. She felt she needed more community involvement,
personal assistance, housekeeping and balanced meals.

Tena is a warm and welcoming lady and is respectful of others. She has a way of making those she meets feel special. Her two daughters prepared her mini apartment before she moved in and decorated it with Tena's memories of love and comfort. Her beautiful apartment is furnished with all her treasured possessions and it makes her feel right at home in a place she calls The Gardens.

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Featured Resident, November 11, 2021

Today the Gardens celebrated V-day of those who sacrificed their time in the military services. So many stories of our on-site veterans and wives!

We recognize Mrs. Bessie 92 yrs old, wife who stood by her man, and fought in the Korean and Vietnam wars. She says if she had to do it all over again she wouldn’t change a thing. We love you Miss Bessie! She’s accompanied by Debra Kirkland Administrator, and the Rock of our facility.

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Gena Vanderveer

Independent Residential Care Facility

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